Bobby Dazzler


This comedy series centres on budding pop singer, Bobby Farrell. Della McDermott is his manager and Fred Farrell is his father, an old vaudeville performer who dreams of a comeback.


BOBBY FARRELL … Johnny Farnham
FRED FARRELL … Maurie Fields
DELLA McDERMOTT … Olivia Hamnett
UNCLE OZ … Terry Norris

Special Guests:
Sigrid Thornton, Sheila Helpmann, Peter Adams, Shane Porteous & Rowena Wallace


14 x 30 minute episodes (including pilot) 

Produced in 1976
Televised on the Seven Network 1977-78
Executive Producers: Ian Crawford & Ian Jones
Producer: Marie Trevor
Writers: Terry Stapleton, Graham Hartley, Graeme Koetsveld.